Internet infidelity

Does Internet Infidelity really exist? Absolutely and it isn’t just something that weird computer people get into. Normal, everyday folks can end up involved in an internet affair.
Signs of Cheating On-Line
- New demands for privacy on the computer.
- Spends time on-line while you sleep or only when you are gone.
- Closes screens, lots of clicking when you come in the room.
- Moves the computer to a more private area.
- New e-mail accounts, hotmail or other free, anonymous e-mail.
- Password protected areas, accounts.
- Deleting files, emptying “recycle bin” each time he/she uses computer, deleting cache.
- Excessive time on computer claimed to be for some purpose but no support for it.
E-Mail is one of the best ways to communicate and a cheating spouse is just as likely to send an e-mail to their partner as they are to call. It’s fast, easy and for the most part private. It is a major way for the cheating spouse to communicate at work. They can be at their desk, looking busy and productive while typing away about love, sex, meeting one another, etc. They can be more provocative on-line, act bolder, kinkier and it is often accepted because they feel anonymous and protected.
There are several ways to send and receive e-mail. Most Americans have some e-mail software that they use to access their mail. Outlook, Eudora and Netscape are among the most common types of e-mail software. These programs reside on a computer and are used regularly and essentially only work for that user on that computer. Although it is possible for an e-mail owner to access their e-mail using one of these programs from multiple computers, it is less likely and usually only those who are highly computer literate bother to set up their accounts this way.
For those who want to access their mail from almost any computer, they often choose to use internet based e-mail. Much of this is free e-mail offered by companies like yahoo, google (hotmail) and others. This is a very portable way to get e-mail and many people use this. Because many of these programs are free and allege that they provide anonymity to the user, a cheating husband or cheating wife will often open up one of these free e-mail accounts to correspond with their cheating partner. They think it is safer and because it allows them to use an alias, they can always deny it.
If you think that your spouse is utilizing a computer to communicate about their affair or with the other person, see Spyware below. If you have found an email address and need to know who the owner is, or need someone to examine a computer for possible erased information left behind, we recommend that you contact an experienced computer investigator like the detectives at ASG Investigations
About IM and Chat
Chat and Chat Rooms
These are interactive communities where people create a profile about themselves (often fictitious or greatly embellished) and then they have an on-line dialog with one another in real time. Many of these rooms or groups are designed for strangers to interact. Other times they are private groups where people that already know one another form a group or room to interact with one another but not the public in general. How it works: The members type something, others respond immediately, back and forth. Many of these chat rooms are great, especially for special interest groups (i.e. Mountain Bikers in Georgia, Micro-Stock Traders, Nature photographers, Latin cooking, etc.) Ask any teenager and they will tell you how life cannot go on without such wonders. Unfortunately, there are chat sites and rooms abundant for those looking to discuss sex, sexual encounters, infidelity and meeting other cheaters. Not only are these used in a community sense, two people can chat in private, as is often the case with a cheating spouse.
At it’s most extreme, you have people who engage in “cybersex”. They tell sex stories to one another and simulate having sex by describing what they are doing to one another, etc., while stimulating themselves. Sometimes they share movies over the web and describing their fantasies. Although this is not a common form of affair, it is happening everyday with normal people who somehow end up being attracted to this type of environment.
Some of the more commonly used chat rooms at, and
There are also countless numbers of adult related chat sites that people can sign up with to chat with other adults looking for sexual related interaction. One example is These sites can range from very general to very topic specific (i.e. Men over 40 seeking women 20 or under, etc.)
Instant Messaging as defined by Microsoft:
A service that alerts users when friends or colleagues are on line and allows them to communicate with each other in real time through private online chat areas. With instant messaging, a user creates a list of other users with whom he or she wishes to communicate; when a user from his or her list is on line, the service alerts the user and enables immediate contact with the other user. While instant messaging has primarily been a proprietary service offered by Internet service providers such as AOL and MSN, businesses are starting to employ instant messaging to increase employee efficiency and make expertise more readily available to employees.
ICQ as defined by
An online, real-time chat program developed by Mirabilis that allows users to send and receive messages back and forth on the Internet. It can be configured to alert or notify the user when acquaintances are online.
This is the single best way to get proof of an On-Line Affair, On-Line Cheating or Cyber Sex.
If your spouse or loved one is cheating on you and carrying on the relationship over the internet, we STRONGLY recommend that you consider handling things yourself and install one of these discreet software programs to get your own proof. They are EASY TO INSTALL AND USE. You don’t need to be a programmer or high end computer user. Installation and use is easy and can be done by anyone.
Computer Monitoring |
eBlaster for Windows
Instantly sends you an EXACT COPY of their emails, chats and instant messages.
- Are your children being approached by child molesters?
- Are your employees stealing from you by goofing off all day online?
- Do they close chat and other windows whenever you walk into the room?
You have the RIGHT TO KNOW!
eBlaster gives you the power to uncover the truth... it’s as easy as checking your email.
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Spector Pro
The Gold Standard in Internet Monitoring and Surveillance Software
Selected as the Editors’ Choice by the experts at PC Magazine
Spector Pro records every detail of what they do on the computer – their chats, instant messages, emails, the web sites they visit, what they search for, what they do on MySpace, the pictures they post and look at, the keystrokes they type, the programs they run and much more. And because of its advanced surveillance screen snapshot features, you get to see not only WHAT they do, but the EXACT order in which they do it, step by step. With Spector Pro, you will never doubt who is doing what on the computer.
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Spector CNE (Corporate Network Edition)
Spector CNE is our most popular software for conducting investigations of detailed employee computer and Internet activity.
Automatically document and archive everything your employees do on the computer and the Internet including: what web sites they are visiting, who they are instant messaging with, who they are emailing, what they are typing, when they are working and when they are playing.
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Spector 360
Our Flagship Product for Company-Wide Monitoring
Spector 360, SpectorSoft’s flagship product for centralized employee monitoring, offers a high level view of the ongoing activities of your employees as they use company PCs and the Internet. Spector 360 allows you to inspect the activities across your organization using easy-to-read graphical charts. At any time you can "drill down" to a detailed view of these activities to learn more.
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